SDPC Easley Area Bus Office

Frances Meinders, Supervisor
PHONE: 855-1088 – FAX: 855-8798 

For any bus questions about arrival, departure, bus times, or to contact a driver or bus supervisor please call the Easley Bus Office at 855-1088.


Precision makes the bus system work. Help us help your child get to school safely!
Cooperation is a must for the bus system to operate in an efficient manner. Buses depart approximately six minutes after the bell has sounded. Therefore, students cannot delay in getting to the bus area. Buses will normally be in the same parking space each day. Personnel are available to assist students who cannot locate their buses.

Under the laws of the state of South Carolina, the school district can assume no obligation to transport any child to or from school who lives within one and one-half miles from the school he/she attends and does not have to provide transportation services extending within a one-mile radius of the residence of any child.

Permission to Ride a Different Bus

Any time a student wants to ride a bus other than the one assigned, they must:

  1. Have parents write a note asking permission to ride a different bus.

  2. The note must include the date, the student's name, a phone number where the parent can be reached for verification, and the parent's signature.

  3. Bring the note to the main office the day before or before homeroom on the day they want to ride.

  4. The office secretary will call and verify the information with the student's parent.

  5. The student must come back to the office and pick-up the verified note to present to the bus driver.

Bus Discipline

The administration of the attending school is responsible for school bus discipline. However, each student must obey the driver at all times while under his/her supervision. The driver may not remove a student from the bus for disciplinary reasons without the approval of school administration unless the student's behavior is a threat to the safety of others on the bus. In this case, the driver must report all violations of safety regulations as well as any behavior problems the school administration. The administration has the authority to deny any student the privilege of riding a school bus.

Bus Discipline Procedures

  • 1st offense - Verbal Warning - bus driver and/or administrator

  • 2nd offense - 3 Days Suspension - administrator

  • 3rd offense - 5 Days Suspension - administrator

  • 4th offense - Suspended Remainder of School Year - administrator

  • Serious Offenses - Immediate Suspension - administrator

Depending on the severity of the offense, the administration has the right to alter the punishment or skip any of the above steps.

Car Riders

Student Drop-Off/Pick Up Information

Students should not be on school property prior to the established time for adult supervision to begin in the morning (7:30 a.m.) or after the time for adult supervision to end in the afternoon (4:00 p.m.). The SDPC assumes no responsibility for the supervision of or protection for students who either arrive at school prior to the time when adult supervision is provided in the morning or who remain on campus in the afternoon after the time when the adult supervision ends. Tardy sign-in after 8:05 a.m. must be done by a parent or guardian.

We encourage families to schedule around the school hours of 8:05-3:15 and not remove their children from class prior to 3:15. However, for early dismissals a student must bring a note from a parent or guardian and show it to the teacher of the class from which they are being dismissed. The family member will be required to come into the main office to show a photo ID and sign the early dismissal sign-out sheet. No early dismissals are allowed after 2:30 p.m.

Students must clear the building by 3:35. Car riders will wait on assigned benches in front of the school at dismissal. Students may not leave campus without a ride unless they have administrator approval. Due to security and safety concerns, once a students leaves school property they may not return to school property without a parent or guardian.